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Jest and Bower Module loading in jest tests

Lets say I have a project that uses bower, grunt, bowerify(with shim) and since I love Jest so much I want to test with that. How in the world do I get jest to see my browserify shim modules when it runs tests. I use grunt, to kick off the npm test command. Here is my package.json file.

"browser": {
    "jquery": "./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js",
    "foundation": "./bower_components/foundation/js/foundation/foundation.js",
    "fastclick": "./bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js",
    "greensock-tm": "./bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed/TweenMax.js",
    "greensock-css": "./bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed/plugins/CSSPlugin.js",
    "greensock-time": "./bower_components/gsap/src/uncompressed/TimelineMax.js",
    "scrollmagic": "./bower_components/ScrollMagic/js/jquery.scrollmagic.js",
    "handlebars": "./bower_components/handlebars/handlebars.runtime.js"
  "browserify-shim": {
    "jquery": "$",
    "greensock-css": "CSSPlugin",
    "fastclick": "FastClick",
    "greensock-tm": "TweenMax",
    "greensock-time": "TimelineMax",
    "scrollmagic": "ScrollMagic",
    "foundation": "foundation",
    "handlebars": "Handlebars"
  "browserify": {
    "transform": [

Right now I almost have this worked out by doing this in my grunt file before I run the test.

    var readJson = require('read-package-json');
    var fs = require('fs');
    var remapify = require('remapify');
    readJson('./package.json', console.error, false, function (er, data) {
      if (er) {
        throw "There was an error reading the file";
      var packages = data.browser;
      var browserify = require('browserify');
      for (var key in packages){
        var b = browserify();
        var wstream = fs.createWriteStream("devjs/test/modules/"+key+'.js');


exec: {
      jestTest: {
        command: 'cp -r devjs/modules devjs/test/modules && npm test'

The problem is that using browserify so combine everything for the browser works great with my setup and I can require my shimmed modules like this. require('jquery') //example but in the jest cli the test fail because they can find the module unless I somehow prefix it with ./, like so require('./jquery')



    Instead of using my below solution you should opt for using Karma,karma browserify. I have converted the below solution into using karma and it is working much much better.

    ----------------------OLD ANSWER What I actually did to solve this was, used the Jest source preprocessor to rewrite the require statement to look for a module in a certain directory in my /tests/ folder that I have created using grunt. The Folder contains the files listed in my browserify-shim, browser section of the package.json file.

    EDIT: Here is how I shim bower, I made this script in the Gruntfile.js that puts all the bower modules and any commonjs modules that I need into an accessible directory.

    grunt.registerTask("shimBowerForTests", function() {
        var readJson = require('read-package-json');
        var fs = require('fs');
        readJson('./package.json', console.error, false, function(er, data) {
          if (er) {
            throw "There was an error reading the file";
          var packages = data.browser;
          var shim = data['browserify-shim'];
          var browserify = require('browserify');
          var exclude = ["jquery.maskedinput", "jquery"];
          for (var key in packages) {
            var b = browserify();
            var wstream = fs.createWriteStream("devjs/test/modules/" + key + '.js');
            if (shim[key] !== undefined && exclude.indexOf(key) === -1) {
            } else {
              var rstream = fs.createReadStream(packages[key]);

    Then in the Jest pre processor file I do this.

    module.exports = {
      process: function(src, path) {
        var src2= src.replace(/require\([\"\']([^\.\'\"]+)[\"\']\)/g, "require(\'../modules/$1\')");
        src2= src2.replace(/jest\.dontMock\([\"\']([^\.\'\"]+)[\"\']\)/g, "jest.dontMock(\'../modules/$1\')");
        return src2;