I am looking to get the DB server and database info from the Datasource name.
I have tried using <cfdbinfo>
but it doesn't seem to have any of that information
The #dsn# data source has the following databases:<br />
<cfdump var="#dbdata#">
I am looking to get the info highlighted in yellow
You will need to create an object of the admin API, login and then create an object of the datasource API as follows:
<cfset admin_api = createObject('component', 'cfide.adminapi.administrator')>
<cfset admin_api.login('cf_admin_password_here')>
<cfset admin_api_dsn = createObject('component', 'cfide.adminapi.datasource')>
Then from there you can use the methods exposed by the datasource API to retrieve the information you require.
Another option would be to read in the file neo-datasource.xml
from the {cf_root}/lib/ directory
, parse that using xmlparse and then read the data from there.