what is the solr type corresponding to Cassandra's decimal data type?
CREATE TABLE demo_table (
cost decimal
what should be the corresponding data type for solr?
<field name="cost" type="XXX" indexed="true" stored="true" required="true" />
The most-recent DSE 4.6 doc Mapping of Solr types seems to indicate that the Solr BCDStrField
type should be used to map to the CQL decimal
Solr Type | CQL type
BCDStrField | ascii, decimal,text, varchar, varint
Although, the Solr documentation on that type seems to indicate that BCDStrField
is deprecated and will be removed with Solr 5.0. That states you should use the TrieIntField
type instead.
Are you using DSE? Or Cassandra with Solr on your own? If you're using DSE I'd stick with the BCDStrField
for now.