Im struggling to test if my neural network is working properly and I have tried with XOR because that is the simple test case.
Is the XOR a good test case or should I use something else?
I have set up my neural network code in Ada and I have modeled after this tutorial. My neural network with (2-inputs, 3-hidden, 1-output) can not learn XOR. What is the problem in following code?
with Ada.Text_IO;use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO;use Ada.Float_Text_IO;
with Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions;
procedure Main is
Learning_Rate : Float := 0.5;
function Sigmoid(X : Float) return Float is
package Math is new Ada.Numerics.Generic_Elementary_Functions(Float); use Math;
e : constant Float := 2.7;
return 1.0 / (1.0 + e**(-X));
function Sigmoid_Derivative (X : Float) return Float is
return Sigmoid(X) * (1.0 - Sigmoid(X));
type Float_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Float;
type Node;
type Node is record
S : Float := 0.0; --Summation
Y : Float := 0.0; --Output
W : Float_Array(1..10) := (others => 0.0); --Weigths
D : Float := 0.0; --Delta error
end record;
type Layer is array (Positive range <>) of Node;
--Forward calculations
procedure Calculate_Summation (N : in out Node; L : in Layer) is
N.S := 0.0;
for Index in L'Range loop
N.S := N.S + L(Index).Y * N.W(Index);
end loop;
procedure Calculate_Summation (Destination : in out Layer; Source : in Layer) is
for N of Destination loop
Calculate_Summation(N, Source);
end loop;
procedure Calculate_Output (L : in out Layer) is
for N of L loop
N.Y := Sigmoid(N.S);
end loop;
procedure Calculate_Delta (L : in out Layer; N : in Node ) is
for Index in L'Range loop
L(Index).D := L(Index).D + N.D * N.W(Index);
end loop;
procedure Calculate_Delta (Destination : in out Layer; Source : in Layer) is
for N of Source loop
Calculate_Delta(Destination, N);
end loop;
end Calculate_Delta;
function Calculate_Delta_Weight(D, S, X : Float) return Float is
return Learning_Rate * D * Sigmoid_Derivative(S) * X;
--Weight adjustment
procedure Calculate_Weight(N : in out Node; L : in Layer) is
for Index in L'Range loop
N.W(Index) := N.W(Index) + Calculate_Delta_Weight(N.D, N.S, L(Index).Y);
end loop;
N.D := 0.0;
procedure Calculate_Weight(Destination : in out Layer; Source : in Layer) is
for N of Destination loop
Calculate_Weight(N, Source);
end loop;
LI : Layer(1..2);
LH : Layer(1..3);
LO : Layer(1..1);
procedure Learn (A, B, Target : Float) is
LI(1).Y := A;
LI(2).Y := B;
Calculate_Summation( Source => LI, Destination => LH );
Calculate_Summation( Source => LH, Destination => LO );
LO(1).D := Target - LO(1).Y;
Put("A,B,T ="); Put(A, 3,3,0);Put(B, 3,3,0);Put(Target, 3,3,0);
Put(" Y ="); Put(LO(1).Y, 3,3,0);
Put(" D ="); Put(LO(1).D, 3,3,0);
Calculate_Delta(Source => LO, Destination => LH);
Calculate_Weight(Source => LH, Destination => LO);
Calculate_Weight(Source => LI, Destination => LH);
for I in 1..1000 loop
Learn(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);New_Line;
Learn(1.0, 0.0, 1.0);New_Line;
Learn(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);New_Line;
Learn(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);New_Line;
end loop;
end Main;
The last output is:
A,B,T = 1.000 1.000 0.000 Y = 0.497 D = -0.497
A,B,T = 1.000 0.000 1.000 Y = 0.495 D = 0.505
A,B,T = 0.000 1.000 1.000 Y = 0.494 D = 0.506
A,B,T = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Y = 0.505 D = -0.505
Where Y is output from the neural network and T is wanted target.
First, your weights should be initialized, preferably to random values. For example, Ada.Numerics.Float_Random.Random( foo );
Second, your network should learn better if you add a bias input (a constant input, for example 1.0)
With this, D should start converging towards 0.0.
You can help yourself in a situation like this by printing all the inputs/outputs and weights in your network, including the hidden layer. In your case, a pattern will emerge that should not be there (a result of all weights being 0.0)