$result = file_get_contents(ADMIN_URL.'/content/'.$name.'.php');
echo "YES";exit;
echo "NO";exit;
Output is NO, where ADMIN_URL is "turkjammat.com/demo/administrator/" and $name is mardumshumari which makes url in file_get_contents() funciton "turkjammat.com/demo/administrator/content/mardumshumari.php" and the file is there in above url, this code is working fine in my local xamp server but when i deploying it on my hosting server its not working. plese help some body. Thanks
Your hosting server typically does NOT have the same folder hierarchy for user home directories as your local server.
Run php_info() on your hosting server to find out what the correct path is. Look for DOCUMENT_ROOT in the Environment section.
A simple phpinfo.php file looks like this: