I'm trying to create a single-file executable for Windows from a Python application, using pyinstaller
I downloaded the experimental Python 3 branch of pyinstaller
from here (the file was python3.zip, but the link is now dead). And I installed it using python setup.py install
Then I created a test python script called test.py
, with the following content:
print('Hello, World!')
Afterwards, I ran the following command to create a single-file executable:
pyinstaller --onefile test.py
The command succeeded, and I verified that the file dist/test.exe
had been generated. However, when I try to run it, all I get is an empty console window. Nothing ever appears, and the program never terminates. It just hangs there forever, until I force close it.
Calling pyinstaller test.py
(without the --onefile
option) works fine. So what is the problem?
Notice that using py2exe
or cx_freeze
is not an option. It has to be pyinstaller
UPDATE: I just tested it under Python 2 (using the normal PyInstaller version), and I ran into the same problem. So, this is not just a Python 3 problem.
I managed to solve the issue.
I found out that the program did, in fact, run. However, it hung for a long time (like 5 minutes!) before displaying the Hello, World!
The problem was caused by UPX (Ultimate Packer for eXectutables), a tool that aims to reduce the size of executable files. PyInstaller uses UPX by default if it finds it on the system. For reasons that I still can't grasp, the UPX-packed executable took an extremely long time to self-extract and run.
Thus, simply running the command with the --noupx
option fixed the problem.
pyinstaller --onefile --noupx test.py
As a sidenote, adding the --debug
option to the pyinstaller
command can usually help identify problems such as this one.