Am working on a shopping app and want to implement the Horizontal Slider/Pager as shown in the screenshot.
After a brief search found that I can use:
Please Suggest the best Layout i can use for this. OR Suggest a better way to implement this if you have already worked on such Views.
I have recently develop horizontal scrolling view using RecyclerView with a LinearLayoutManager. I used to do it using an Horizontal Scroll View with a linear layout inside but I never was a big fan of this approach.
I liked the RecyclerView approach because it work really like ListView and allow you to implement ViewHolder pattern. You have to set a RecyclerView.Adapter instead of a classical Adapter.
You can follow the example here
To make the recycler view horizontal you have to set its layout manager with horizontal orientation :
layoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(context, LinearLayoutManager.HORIZONTAL, false);