In my Android project in build.gradle use the following instructions to create build config fields.
android {
defaultConfig {
if (project.hasProperty('serverOnePath')) {
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_ONE_PATH",
if (project.hasProperty('serverTwoPath')) {
buildConfigField "String", "SERVER_TWO_PATH",
The properties therefore must be defined in as such:
I would like to move the instructions into a function available at android.default
level. Here is a non-working draft:
def addBuildConfigFieldIfPropertyIsPresent(
String propertyName, String buildConfigFieldName) {
if (project.hasProperty(propertyName)) {
android.defaultConfig.buildConfigField "String", buildConfigFieldName,
The tricky part is ${propertyName}
. Also it would be nice to actually put the declaration into the defaultConfig
Try this:
android {
defaultConfig {
def configFieldFromProp = { propName, constName ->
if (project.hasProperty(propName)) {
buildConfigField "String", constName, "\"${project[propName]}\""
configFieldFromProp "serverOnePath", "SERVER_ONE_PATH"
configFieldFromProp "serverTwoPath", "SERVER_TWO_PATH"
You can also add guava as a dependency to your build script and use, propName)
to avoid typing the same thing twice.