I have a struct which holds some ByteArray data
typedef struct {
uint32_t length;
uint8_t* bytes;
} FREByteArray;
And here I am trying to save this to a file
FREByteArray byteArray;
if((fileToWrite = fopen(filePath, "wb+")) != NULL){
fwrite(&byteArray.bytes, 1, byteArray.length, fileToWrite);
But this doesn't seem to be saving all of the data, the saved file size is 16KB, actual data is about 32KB. I think fwrite is not able to write the whole bytearray to the file.
Is this the correct way to save the ByteArray? Is there a limit how much fwrite can handle in a single call?
fwrite(&byteArray.bytes, 1, byteArray.length, fileToWrite);
fwrite(byteArray.bytes, 1, byteArray.length, fileToWrite);
And as pointed out by @Sourav Ghosh make sure that byteArray.bytes
is pointing to the correct source location.