The problem: Implement a Python function called stripComments(code) where code is a parameter that takes a string containing the Python code. The function stripComments() returns the code with all comments removed.
I have:
def stripComments(code):
code = str(code)
for line in code:
comments = [word[1:] for word in code.split() if word[0] == '#']
I'm not sure how to specifically tell python to search through each line of the string and when it finds a hashtag, to delete the rest of the line. Please help. :(
You could achieve this through re.sub
import re
def stripComments(code):
code = str(code)
return re.sub(r'(?m)^ *#.*\n?', '', code)
print(stripComments("""#foo bar
bar foo
# buz"""))
enables the multiline mode. ^
asserts that we are at the start. <space>*#
matches the character #
at the start with or without preceding spaces. .*
matches all the following characters except line breaks. Replacing those matched characters with empty string will give you the string with comment lines deleted.