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File permissions, root bash script, edit by user

I have a script that needs to be ran as root. In this script I create directories and files. The files and directories cannot be modified by the user who ran the script (unless there root of course).

I have tried several solutions found here and other sites, first I tried to mkdir -m 777 the directories as so:



#Check execution location


#File setup

DATE=$(date +"%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")

mkdir -m 777 -p "$CDIR/android-tools/logcat/"
mkdir -m 777 -p "$CDIR/android-tools/backup/"


I have also tried touching every created file and directory with the $USER as root, like so:



#Check execution location


#File setup

DATE=$(date +"%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")

mkdir -p "$CDIR/android-tools/logcat/"
mkdir -p "$CDIR/android-tools/backup/"

sudo -u $USER touch "$CDIR/"
sudo -u $USER touch "$CDIR/android-tools/"
sudo -u $USER touch "$CDIR/android-tools/logcat/"
sudo -u $USER touch "$CDIR/android-tools/backup/"
sudo -u $USER touch "$CDIR/android-tools/logcat/logcat_*.txt"
sudo -u $USER touch "$CDIR/android-tools/logcat/Backup_*"


I have also tried manually running sudo chmod 777 /android-tools/*, and sudo chmod 777 /* from the script directory, gave no errors, but I still cannot delete the files without root permission.

Heres the full script, It's not done yet. Don't run it with an android device connected to your computer.


  • touch doesn't change ownership. I think you want chown.

    If you're using sudo to run your script, $USER is root, but $SUDO_USER is the user who ran sudo, so you can use that.

    If you're not using sudo, you can't trust $USER to be anything in particular. The caller can set it to anything (like "root cat /etc/shadow", which would make your above script do surprising things you didn't want it to do because you said $USER instead of "$USER").

    If you're running this script using setuid, you need something safer, like id -u, to get the calling process's legitimate UID regardless of what arbitrary string happens to be in $USER.

    If you cover both possibilities by making like this:

    # $SUDO_USER if set, otherwise the current user
    caller="${SUDO_USER:-$(id -u)}"
    mkdir -p foo/bar/baz
    chown -R "$caller" foo

    Then you can use it this way:

    sudo chown root
    sudo chmod 755
    # User runs it with sudo
    sudo ./
    # User can remove the files
    rm -r foo

    Or this way (if you want to use setuid so regular users can run the script without having sudo access -- which you probably don't, because you're not being careful enough for that):

    sudo chown root
    sudo chmod 4755   # Danger! I told you not to do this.
    # User runs it without sudo
    # User can remove the files
    rm -r foo