I need to update a model formula inside a function. This is an example:
A <- runif(n = 200) # generate some data
B <- runif(n = 200)
P <- 1/(1+exp(.5-A)) # generate event probability
outcome <- runif(n = 200) < P # generate outcome
my.function <- function(model, data.to.add) { # this is the function for updating the formula
new.model <- update(object = model, formula. = ~ . + data.to.add)
return (new.model)
test <- my.function(model = glm(outcome ~ B, family = binomial(link="logit")), data.to.add = A)
Unfortunately the execution of this code raises an error like this:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'data.to.add' not found
It seems that my.function
cannot provide the value of variable data.to.add
to update
function. What can I do for giving the right scoping of variables to the update
function inside another function?
Edit: Ok, your solution is good if the variables to be passed to the function to be updated are in the Global Environment, now if I have to define variables inside a function I get again an error due to less scoping of the variable:
A <- runif(n = 200) # generate some data
P <- 1/(1+exp(.5-A)) # generate event probability
outcome <- runif(n = 200) < P # generate outcome
nested.update<-function(model) {
B<-runif(n = 200)
my.function <- function(model, data.to.add) { # this is the function for updating the formula
data.to.add <- paste('. ~ . +', deparse(substitute(data.to.add)), sep = "")
new.model <- update(object = model, formula. = data.to.add)
return (new.model)
return(my.function(model = model, data.to.add = B))
nested.update(model = glm(outcome ~ A, family = binomial(link="logit")))
my.function <- function(model, data.to.add) { # this is the function for updating the formula
data.to.add <- sprintf('. ~ . + %s', deparse(substitute(data.to.add)))
new.model <- update(object = model, formula. = data.to.add)
return (new.model)
my.function(lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars), disp)
# Call:
# lm(formula = mpg ~ wt + disp, data = mtcars)
# Coefficients:
# (Intercept) wt disp
# 34.96055 -3.35083 -0.01772
my.function(lm(mpg ~ wt, data = mtcars), hp)
# Call:
# lm(formula = mpg ~ wt + hp, data = mtcars)
# Coefficients:
# (Intercept) wt hp
# 37.22727 -3.87783 -0.03177
bad answer:
R is dispatching update.formula
not the default update.default
since you are passing a formula to update
. The argument names are old
and new
. In update.default
the names are model
and formula.
like you are using now.
Also using a work around to get the correct variable name into the formula
my.function <- function(model, data.to.add) { # this is the function for updating the formula
data.to.add <- sprintf('. ~ . + %s', deparse(substitute(data.to.add)))
new.model <- update(old = model, new = data.to.add)
return (new.model)
my.function(y ~ a, b)
# y ~ a + b
my.function(y ~ a, c)
# y ~ a + c