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how to log tracebacks from uncaught crashes?

I run a headless and unmanned server which logs everything to a remote server. The application I run there also does this via a SysLogHandler. It works fine.

I have cases where the program crashes (in places not handled by a try: except:) and I would like to log that way the traceback as well. Is this at all possible?

I am specifically talking about unexpected tracebacks , I know that I can log exceptions in an except: clause.


  • You could make a custom excepthook.

    When an exception is raised and uncaught, the interpreter calls sys.excepthook with three arguments, the exception class, exception instance, and a traceback object

    import sys
    import logging
    logger = ...
    def excepthook(type_, value, traceback):
        # call the default excepthook
        sys.__excepthook__(type_, value, traceback)
    sys.excepthook = excepthook