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adding parcelable to an interface class for custom objects

I have a custom object class but that is implemented through an inteface, how can i incorporate parceable in it. I have followed and searched about parceable, but it is only for object class. eg : How can I make my custom objects Parcelable?

I want to pass my object list to another activity in android.

code :

public interface Projection {

  interface Job {
        List<Task> getTasks();

        String getid();

        String getjob_title();

        String getjob_description();

        String getjob_room();

        String getstatus();

    interface Task {

        String gettask_id();

        String gettask_title();

        String gettask_description();

        String gettask_status();


    List<Job> getJobs();


  • Your custom interfaces need to extend Parcelable.

    Classes that implement your custom interface need to also implement the Parcelable interface, including the CREATOR.

    You can then add an object implementing your custom interface to an Intent like this:

    intent.putExtra("thing", thing);

    or add an ArrayList containing these objects like this:

    ArrayList<Thing> things;
    intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("things", things);

    On the receiving end, the Activity can extract the objects from the Intent like this:

    Thing thing = intent.getParcelableExtra("thing");


    ArrayList<Thing> things = intent.getParcelableArrayListExtra("things");