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How to run an app when it does not show under Apps?

I used ant to build my Eclipse project from the command line in a debug configuration. (Eclipse Luna and Android NDK-R10d is broken, so I can't use Eclipse any longer. Confer, Eclipse/ADT plugin cannot locate symbols for r10d NDK).

I then performed an install using adb:

<Project Directory>$ adb install bin/AndroidPrng-debug.apk

When I rummage for the program on the device in Apps, the program is not offered. When I attempt to search for it by name on the device (AndroidPrng and com.example.prng), I'm provided with useless web search results. When I go to Settings → Apps, the app is shown under the Downloaded tab (it shows the name as com.example.prng). It has the familiar Force Stop and Uninstall.

I have DDMS running and waiting to capture LogCat output from the program. But even though the app is on the device, I cannot figure out how to run it.

How do I run and debug the app when it does not show up under Apps?


  • Assuming that your app do have an Activity from where you can navigate into other parts of your app.

    Try using below command:

    $ adb shell am start -n com.example.yourpackagename/.YourMainActivity

    $ adb shell am start -n com.package.yourpackagename/com.example.yourpackagename.YourMainActivity

    This am start command, is a command-line interface to the ActivityManager.