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Strange issue with Material PagerSlidingTabStrip, FragmentPagerAdapter, and BackStack management

I am creating Scrollable Tabs per the Material Design guidelines, but I run into a strange issue when I switched from a PagerAdapter to a FragmentPagerAdapter. This issue only occurs after I have navigated to my tab fragment, hit back, then navigated to it again.

A screen recording of the issue is visible at this URL.

I am using this library: jpardogo/PagerSlidingTabStrip for my fragments. This is the code on how I am instantiating this fragment.

     void onItemSelected(int position) {
                 .replace(, new SlidingFragment())

Am I missing something basic in the fragment lifecycle here? SlidingFragment is just a blank fragment, so it doesn't need to be constructed in a special way. I'm trying to pinpoint whether it's a bug in the library or my own code.


  • Turns out I was having some issues with OnDestroyItem(). I switched to a FragmentStatePagerAdapter and everything works great now