I'm kind of struggling getting the selected item id or even the text displayed in a dropdown menu list. Here's my code:
<paper-dropdown-menu label="Currency" on-core-select="{{selectCurrency}}">
<paper-dropdown class="dropdown" halign='right'>
<core-menu class="menu" selected="{{selectedCurrency}}">
<template repeat="{{c in currencies}}">
void selectCurrency(CustomEvent e, var detail, PaperDropdownMenu m) {
var id = m.getAttribute("selected");
//id = mCurrencyDropdown.selected;
JsObject detail = new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(e)['detail'];
if(detail['isSelected']) {
PaperItem selected = detail['item'] as PaperItem;
print( 'source | $selected' );
I can see several properties from which I might get the information I want but I can't access them as the don't seem to be public: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9-4jVIpB0XuTXJ5eVBMZllyanM/view
Any idea? Thank you!
Thanks to Günter I have found the answer:
I have an observable like this:
@observable int selectedCurrency = 20;
Apparently you can simply add a method to your class matching the members name like this and it's called each time the observable is changed:
selectedCurrencyChanged(var oldValue, var newValue) {
Where is the field selectedCurrency you have bound to ?
I guess you can drop the on-core-select
event handler entirely and instead add a method
selectedCurrencyChanged(newValue) {
// event handler code here