I have a problem. I have a structure of project looking like this:
There are two stub classes android.media.IRemoteDisplay in both packages. They differ in implementation, but that's not the matter - they will be replaced by system classes when I'll run the app on Android.
However, there is a problem - I can't build the project because dexMerger fails - it says there are two conflicting classes. I can understand that error - after all, there are really two conflicting classes :)
But when I try to exclude these files in build.gradle like this:
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir 'src'
exclude '**/android/media/**'
The compilation fails because it can't find android.media.IRemoteControlDisplay class(and it's nested classes).
How can I still use these classes, but exclude them from resulting DEX file?
Please DON'T question if it's right to exclude the class from compiled project - it's the right thing to do, I already did it, but manually - by pre-compiling SubP1 and SubP2 to jars and then manually removing IRemoteController.class from these jar files and then including those jars in P.
I'll also be satisfied with that solution:
1. Build SubP1
2. Remove IRemoteControlDisplay.class from SubP1.jar
3. Build SubP2
4. Remove IRemoteControlDisplay.class from SubP2.jar
5. Add SubP1.jar and SubP2.jar as dependencies to P
6. Build P
If that's possible, please let me know.
Finally, I've been able to do it.
What I needed was a runtime dependency instead of compilation-time dependency. So, I've created submodule for SubP1 called SubSubP1(for example) moved the android.media.IRemoteDisplay into the SubSubP1, and created submodule SubSubP2 for SubP2, and did the same with stub class. Then I've declared the dependency as following for SubP1 and SubP2:
dependencies {
provided project(':SubP1:SubSubP1')
dependencies {
provided project(':SubP2:SubSubP2')
And that did the trick! Instead of compiling the classes, Gradle assumed that they will be loaded at runtime.