Search code examples

link_to omits redmine root

I'm following a Redmine Plugin tutorial and the author uses the following code in a hook, which is called from within a view, which:

def load_issues(count)
    issues = Issue.find(:all, :limit => count, :order => "created_on DESC")

    issues.each do |issue|
        html = "</p> <li> 
               #{ link_to h(truncate(issue.subject, :length => 60)), :controller => 'issues', :action => 'show', :id => issue }
               </li> <p>"
    return html

The returned HTML is rendered on a page. My Bitnami Redmine installation's root is http://localhost/redmine The problem is with the URL generated by link_to:

<a href="/issues/2">feature 1</a>

when I'm expecting something like this:

<a href="/redmine/issues/2">feature 1</a>

Other links generated by core Redmine are aware of the root and work fine, so something is missing from this implementation. I looked at some of the code in core Redmine and the link_to calls look just like this one though, with nothing extra added.


  • This was a bug that has now been fixed and will be in 3.0 (unfortunately no backport for 2.6).