I'm attempting to annotate a file with footnotes using Jekyll. My _config.yml file is set thusly:
markdown: kramdown
This is how I'm attempting to use the footnotes:
<p>As trade-off talking rational economic people [^1], we are constantly making choices that have different costs associated with them.</p>
[^1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade-off_talking_rational_economic_person`
But viewing it in my local machine it doesn't seem to parse the first footnote. This is how it shows up:
"As trade-off talking rational economic people [^1], we are constantly making choices that have different costs associated with them."
The footnote definition does not appear.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
You have to tell kramdown to parse inside html, This can be done in your code, like this :
<p markdown="1">As trade-off talking rational economic people [^1], we are constantly making choices that have different costs associated with them.</p>
Or, you can configure kramdown in your _config.yml
# be sure that you use kramdown as markdown processor
markdown: kramdown
# configure kramdown
parse_block_html: true