<tr ng-repeat="row in rows">
<td ng-class="{row[th]:$last}" ng-repeat="th in ths">{{row[th]}}</td>
for the code above, i'm trying to use the row[th] value as the name of the class in ng-class for the last td element only. I can use an actual class name just fine, but not the referenced value from row[th]. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
PS: the row[th] will return a status (e.g. Red, Green, etc.), which is also a css class name i'm using.
in the fiddle above, if i replace row[th] with Green in ng-class, that works!
the solution below by @tasseKATT works fine, however now i seem to have another issue. i'm not able to include another static-named class. Fiddle link here. Any help much appreciated.
After much troubleshooting, I came up with the following solution (extending @tasseKATT's original answer:
<td ng-class="{true: [row[th], 'staticCSSClassName']}[$last]" ng-repeat="th in ths">{{row[th]}}</td>
The code above adds two classes to the last <td> in ng-repeat:
So, basically, the value part in the Object can be an array of strings, which can include referenced values from ng-repeat as well as static class names.
Hope someone finds this useful.