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Matlab: Copy a diamond portion of an array

Suppose the array is:

A =    a b c
       d e f
       g h i

I want to copy the diamond arrangement, i.e. the elements d,b,f,h,e into a new 1D array. The above array is just an example, the matrix could be any size rectangular matrix and the location of the diamond can be anywhere within the array.


  • This works by building a mask (logical index) with the desired diamond shape and a specified center. The mask is obtained by computing the L1 (or taxicab) distance from each entry to the diamond center and comparing to the appropriate threshold:

    A = rand(7,9); %// example matrix
    pos_row = 3; %// row index of diamond center
    pos_col = 5; %// col index of diamond center
    [n_rows, n_cols] = size(A);
    d = min([pos_row-1 pos_col-1 n_rows-pos_row n_cols-pos_col]); %// distance threshold 
        %// to be used for mask. Obtained by extending until some matrix border is found
    ind = bsxfun(@plus, abs((1:n_rows).'-pos_row), abs((1:n_cols)-pos_col))<=d; %'// mask
    result = A(ind); %// get entries defined by mask