I'm trying to get my head around PHP and am setting a little script up on Apache/Linux.
If I call this as php index.php
from the shell it executes fine. But if I call the same via my browser, it fails to execute. There is no info in the apache error log.
What can be the cause for this?
The script is scraping another getting a url via Goutte
and curl
, so takes about 3 seconds to execute.
-- To respond to comments --
I was omitting the code as it's trivial, a Goutte client, a single request followed by extracting the h1
It's working in the console but calling via Chrome tells me I am missing curl - which is install with apt-get install php-curl
Firstly, show php errors... paste this at the very top of your page
Then view it, you should see a list of errors/warnings depending on the situation. Otherwise will need to see some of your code to know what your dealing with.
If that fails and still gives you nothing/blank page.. Be sure a very basic php script works on your server through the web browser.
echo 'Hello World From PHP';