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Exporting SQL Server table to XML

I'am trying to export SQL Server table to XML file using the following code:

Dim ds As New Data.DataSet("MyData")   
Dim QueryStr As String = "Select * from Inventory" 
Dim ConnectionStr as String = "data source=SQLSERVER\ITDB;integrated..."
Dim da As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(QueryStr,ConnectionStr)

The output format of the XML file is like :


I want to change the XML file format to be like:

<Table IPAddress="" UsersName="1001" Location="Store" />

I need to know what is the name of this format. This format is valid as XMLDataSource within ASPxGriveView.


  • Set the Datacolumn ColumnMapping property to MappingType.Attribute for each column you want to be exported as an XML attribute.

    dataTable = dataSet.Tables["SomeTable"];
    foreach (DataColumn dc in dataTable.Columns)
        dc.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;