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Create a flat Bucket structure in Sitecore 7

By default in Sitecore when we import Items in Bucket they are created in hierarchy by either the GUID or the Datetime of creation. Is there a way to create a flat structure in the Bucket and have no hierarchy? Would having a flat bucket structure affects the way Sitecore search for bucket works?


  • The whole idea of using the item buckets is to avoid having a large number of items physically stored under the same parent item. However, you can still have a flat list of items if you want by setting the BucketConfiguration.BucketFolderPath to blank or a given name. This key is located in the /App_Config/Include/Sitecore.Buckets.Config.

    I copied here the comments written above the BucketConfiguration.BucketFolderPath settings:

    This setting determines the folder structure that is created in the content tree. Edit this setting to change the folder structure. The format currently supports date formatting, names, for example, "Content Bucket" or blank. Blank creates a dummy called "Repository".