I want to install the savon
gem to parse some WSDLs. After including it in the Gemfile and running bundle install, it is giving the following message:
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "mime-types":
In Gemfile:
savon (~> 2.8.0) ruby depends on
wasabi (= 3.3.0) ruby depends on
mime-types (< 2.0.0) ruby
mail (>= 0) ruby depends on
mime-types (2.4.3)
I can't remove the mail gem to resolve this dependency as my actionmailer depends on it. And besides, it doesn't seem to be healthy solution to resolve such dependency conflicts.
So can anyone help me on this? Googling didn't help much.
If you only need to parse a WSDL you could use the current version (3.3.1) of wasabi by itself, which does not depend on the mime-types gem anymore.
If you need savon, there is a pending issue to update the dependency to the next minor version of wasabi, to resolve this issue. Since this has not happened yet, you may clone this repo, do it yourself (replace 3.3.0 with 3.3.1 in this file) and install your own version:
gem 'savon', github: 'xxx/myrepo'
until savon is updated.