In Visual Foxpro 9 I am trying to write an sql with a product "subtotal" column and a report "total" column.
The sql code that works is as follows, but when I insert the commented out "Case" code I get errors that seem to increase as I correct the preceeding error.
Can any one tell me in which place I should insert the "case" and what is wrong with the code?
SELECT qItemSaleLines.ItemID, ;
qItems.ItemID, ;
qItemSaleLines.SaleID, ;
qSales.SaleID, ;
qSales.CardRecordID, ;
qCustomers.CardRecordID, ;
qItems.ItemNumber AS ProdCODE, ;
qItems.ItemName AS StkNAME, ;
qCustomers.LastName AS CUSTOMER, ;
qSales.InvoiceNumber AS SaleINVNo, ;
qSales.InvoiceDate AS SaleDATE, ;
qItemSaleLines.Quantity AS SaleQTY, ;
qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal AS SALE, ;
qItemSaleLines.CostOfGoodsSoldAmount AS COGS, ;
qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal - qItemSaleLines.CostOfGoodsSoldAmount AS MARGIN, ;
(qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal - qItemSaleLines.CostOfGoodsSoldAmount) * / qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal AS MPERCENT ;
FROM qItemSaleLines, qItems, qSales, qCustomers ;
WHERE qSales.CardRecordID = qCustomers.CardRecordID AND qItemSaleLines.SaleID = qSales.SaleID AND ;
qItemSaleLines.ItemID = qItems.ItemID AND qSales.InvoiceDate > {^2009-06-30} ;
ORDER BY qItems.ItemNumber, qSales.InvoiceDate ;
*!* (SELECT qItems.ItemID, qItemSaleLines.ItemID, qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal, ;
*!* CASE WHEN qItems.ItemID = (SELECT TOP 1 qItems.ItemID FROM qItems.ItemID, ;
*!* WHERE qItems.ItemID = qItemSaleLines.ItemID, ;
*!* ORDER BY qItems.ItemID desc), ;
*!* THEN (SELECT SUM(qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal) FROM qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal,;
*!* WHERE qItems.ItemID <= qItemSaleLines.ItemID AND qItems.ItemID = qItemSaleLines.ItemID, ;
*!* ELSE ' ' END AS 'PROD-SALE'), ;
*!* CASE WHEN qItems.ItemID = (SELECT TOP 1 qItems.ItemID FROM qItems.ItemID, ;
*!* ORDER BY qItems.ItemID desc), ;
*!* THEN (SELECT SUM(qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal) FROM qItemSaleLines.TaxExclusiveTotal, ;
*!* ELSE ' ' END AS 'Grand Total') ;
Additionally, if you do just want the totals as columns in the table, you could do something like
select ;
from ;
YourOtherTables Tbl,;
( select YourSalesTable.ItemID,;
sum( CalculatedSales ) as TotalPerItem;
Group by ;
ItemID ) PerItem,;
( select sum( CalculatedSales ) as TotalPerAll;
From ;
YourTalesTable ) RptTotal;
where ;
AND YourOtherTables.ItemID = PerItem.ItemID;
order by ;
into ;
cursor YourReportResults
By doing an SQL-Select as your last 2 tables (one grouping by itemID) will create the total per item. By having the final where join only to the ItemID of the aliased PerItem, you'll get whatever that columns total was. However, since NO join on the aliased RptTotal, you'll get a Cartesian join... but since its always 1 record, each row will have the same value as its "TotalPerAll" column.
I hope these two solutions work for your needs.