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CQ5/AEM6/Sightly - Return custom type from Java Use-Api

Using JavaScript Use-Api I am able to create a custom object and return it to a html file. This feature allows me to create a list of custom objects, which can be used to create a menu or other complex list-like component.

Let's assume that I have following content structure:

                /contentpage1.3 (hidden)
                /contentpage1.1 (hidden)
                /contentpage1.2 (hidden)
                /contentpage1.3 (hidden)

Menu should contains only first-level contentpages. Each menu item should have dropdown list with second-level contentpages, if they exist and are not hidden. I can do it in JavaScript with the following code:

"use strict";

use(function() {

    function getMenuItems() {
        var currentPageDepth = currentPage.getDepth();
        var menuObjects = [];
        if(currentPageDepth >= 3) {
            var homePage = currentPage.getAbsoluteParent(2);
            var list = homePage.listChildren();
            while(list.hasNext()) {
                var tempPage =
                var customPageObject = createMenuItemObject(tempPage);
        return menuObjects;

    function createMenuItemObject(page) {
        // ...
        // looking for any other properties of page or its children
        // ...
        return {page: page, 
                visibleChildrenExists: visibleChildrenExists(page)};

    function visibleChildrenExists(page) {
        var list = page.listChildren();
        var visibleChildrenExists = false;
        while(list.hasNext()) {
            var subPage =;
            if(!subPage.isHideInNav()) {
                visibleChildrenExists = true;
        return visibleChildrenExists;

    return {
        menuObjectsList: getMenuItems(),


<headerComponent data-sly-use.headerComponentJS="headerComponent.js" data-sly-unwrap />
<menuItems data-sly-list.menuItem="${headerComponentJS.menuObjectsList}"  data-sly-unwrap >
     <li class='${menuItem.visibleChildrenExists ? "" : "direct"}' data-sly-test="${!}">
        <a href="${}.html">${}</a>
        <ul data-sly-test="${menuItem.visibleChildrenExists}" data-sly-list.submenuItem="${}">
            <li data-sly-test="${!submenuItem.hideInNav}">
                <a href="${submenuItem.path}.html">${submenuItem.title}</a>

Why do I want to use Java Use-Api? It's easier to operate on interfaces like Resource or Node. It looks like it does not work pretty well in JavaScript, but I need to have possibility to return custom objects with multiple properties.

The question is: is it even possible to do something similar using Java Use-Api? What do I have to return? I can't return a map, because it won't be possible to access its elements since it's not possible to pass a parameter to Java Use-Api method... Any suggestion?


  • It is possible to return maps using the java-use api see an example below:

    Method in the Java class

    //Return a map
    public Map<String, String> getTestMap() {
        //TODO some coding
        Map<String,String> testMap = new HasMap<String,String>();
        testMap.put("IDA", "test value");
        testMap.put("IDB", "test value 2");
        return testMap;     

    HTML code to access each element of the map:

    <div data-sly-use.param="JavaClass">    
            <div class="pos">
                <span class="classA">${map['IDA']}</span><br>
                <span class="classB">${map['IDB']}</span>