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Select data from table throws error in SQLAlchemy

I am a beginner trying to execute a simple web application using Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. As of now my app just returns all data stored in my table.


@view_config(route_name='home', renderer='templates/')
def my_view(request):

    except DBAPIError:
        return Response(conn_err_msg, content_type='text/plain', status_int=500)
    #return {'project': 'Alpy'}
    return {'myvar':myvar}

My template:-

    <div id="middle">
      <div class="middle align-right">
        <div id="left" class="app-welcome align-left">
          You can return to the
          <a href="${request.application_url}">FrontPage</a>.<br/>
<div tal:condition="myvar">
Your selection returns:<br><tal:block tal:content="myvar"></tal:block>


class Mystring(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'mystrings'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Text)
    data = Column(Text)

My error is: AttributeError: type object 'Mystring' has no attribute 'query'

I tried this. "myvar=DBSession.query(Mystring).all()" the error went away but I get

Your selection returns:
[alpy.models.Mystring object at xxxx, alpy.models.Mystring object at xxxxx] 

which is not what i intended to get. I wanted a name value pair.

Please help.


  • You are getting a list of objects from sqlalchemy. If you just need the data, and you want to return a list of (name, data) pairs, you can do it with a list comprehension like this: return [(, for x in myvar]

    Note: x is just a local variable for the list comprehension, so it can be any name you like.

    There is some great documentation for sqlalchemy basics at the official site, here: