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How do you get Unmanaged<CGColorSpace> from CGColorSpace?

I am writing a function in Swift that creates a vImage_CGImageFormat from a CGImage as follows:

    bitsPerComponent: UInt32(CGImageGetBitsPerComponent(image)), 
    bitsPerPixel: UInt32(CGImageGetBitsPerPixel(image)), 
    colorSpace: CGImageGetColorSpace(image), 
    bitmapInfo: CGImageGetBitmapInfo(image), 
    version: UInt32(0), 
    decode: CGImageGetDecode(image), 
    renderingIntent: CGImageGetRenderingIntent(image))

This doesn't compile however. That's because CGImageGetColorSpace(image) returns CGColorSpace! and the above constructor only takes Unmanaged<CGColorSpace> for the colorSpace parameter.

Is there another way to do this? Perhaps converting CGColorSpace into Unmanaged<CGColorSpace>?


  • This should work:

        // ...
        colorSpace: Unmanaged.passUnretained(CGImageGetColorSpace(image)),

    From the struct Unmanaged<T> API documentation:

    /// Create an unmanaged reference without performing an unbalanced
    /// retain.
    /// This is useful when passing a reference to an API which Swift
    /// does not know the ownership rules for, but you know that the
    /// API expects you to pass the object at +0.
    /// ::
    ///   CFArraySetValueAtIndex(.passUnretained(array), i,
    ///                          .passUnretained(object))
    static func passUnretained(value: T) -> Unmanaged<T>

    Update for Swift 3:

        // ...
        colorSpace: Unmanaged.passUnretained(image.colorSpace!),