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How to strip HTML content in flume morphline.conf file using Xquery

We are trying to index the sample xml files to cloudera solr using flume MorphlineSolrSink.

We have created 2 channels ( solrchannel, hdfschannel) and 2 sink (solrsink, hdfssink).   We are able to index the document in cloudera solr using this flume and morphline configuration.

Question 1) : We have 2 fields title and content in XML file and we want to strip the HTML content from these 2 fields before sending it to SOLR. Could you please tell how we can achieve it?

Question 2) : I have to change the Date format of 2 fields, createDate and PublishedDate. Could you please let me know how to write the logic to change the dateformat of both the fileds at one go.

I am using xQuery to extract the date from my XML files.



  • I found the following solution for my problem and hence I wanted to share with you guys:

    2) After the Xquery command block I wrote following code to convert the date into required format and it worked perfectly fine.

        convertTimestamp {
          field : createDate
          inputFormats : ["E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd"]
          inputTimezone : UTC
          outputFormat : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
          outputTimezone : America/Los_Angeles
        convertTimestamp {
          field : publishedDate
          inputFormats : ["E MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd"]
          inputTimezone : UTC
          outputFormat : "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
          outputTimezone : America/Los_Angeles

    1) For Stripping the HTML tags from title and content we have written a Java code and that we have plugged into our pipeline before send the file content to flume.

    Hope this Helps you as well!!!!


    Jayesh Bhoyar