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WIX Installer - Unable to change and save the platform to 64 bit

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IDE:- VS.NET 2013 (Update 2)

WIX version used : 3.9

Windows service MSI :- I am unable to change the platform to x64 bit and save it. If i change it to x64 option and save the build properties and close the property window, then reopen the property window again. The x86 option pops up again.. Although, the DLL's used in the project are coming as 64 bit based.

It is very annoying and frustrating. After i hit the Build on the ServiceSetup project, the .MSI file get generated. The MSI contains the windows service .exe file which unfortunately is 32 bit based. I want the windows service .exe file to be 64 bit.

Please suggest any soln.


  • This is a known bug in WiX v3.9: