I'm using wxPython, (with python 2.7) and am curious as to anyone have provided a sort of guide or an overview over available widgets? When I say a widget I imply a graphical entity drawn on the screen.
I have seen the documentation of the API, and by assuming that all "widgets" are sublasses to wx.Window, a better overview can be found in "tree-view in the aforementioned documentation.
However, if I did not know beforehand (from a tutorial) what a "notebook" was (in the wx sense), it would have been hard to be inspired to use this widget, using only the API reference.
The freely available book "wxPython in action" shows some examples here and there, but does not either contain an overview.
Does a better, more graphical, overview or presentation exist? Not necessarily of all possible widgets, but at least the most popular?
The Phoenix documentation has screenshots of a lot of the widgets:
You should also download the wxPython demo. It shows nearly all the widgets and how to use them. It can be found at http://www.wxpython.org