I'm using Emacs
on OS X
from mac ports
. By default I have Ctrl as Control
key, and ⌘ Command as Meta
key. Thogh, this is quite handy, I'm missing possibility to move cursor one word backward/forward by pressing M-arrrow key
, i.e. ⌘+← to move one word forward. What I realy want to have:
I tryed to use in my mappings (kbd "A-left")
, "\A-left"
, but this does not worked for me. So, two questions here:
- how to create mapping for ⌥
(setq mac-option-modifier 'hyper)
;; now you can easily use mappings with Hyper key modifier
- how to cerate mapping to arrow keys?
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "<H-left>") 'left-word)
;; defines Hyper+left arrow combination
I do not have a mac. Could you try following the instructions at the bottom of the page http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_hyper_super_keys.html
You can use C-h c
to describe a keybinding by typing it which also returns the string that you have to give as a parameter to kbd