I'm developing a factory which can instantiate objects of type Ability by using Class parameter. The code for this factory is:
public static final class AbilityFactory {
private AbilityFactory(){}
public static <T extends Class<A>, A extends Ability> A getAbility(T clazz){
A ability = null;
ability = clazz.newInstance();
} catch(InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex){
return ability;
Client code is something like that:
The only problem I figured about this design is that Ability class is abstract and you can pass something like this:
which results in java.lang.InstantiationException.
I wanted to know whether I can make some constraints like "? extends Ability but not Ability" or it's just a bad design and I should pass, for example, Enum as an argument into factory's method to prevent this situation.
The only thing you could do is to provide a marker interface let's say ConcreteAbility
and have <T extends Ability & ConcreteAbility>
. Then you need to implement ConcreteAbility with all concrete abilities.