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HttpSendHttpResponse no data sent

I am implementing a web server using Ms http server api v2 (in synchronous mode), and I am trying to test it from a web browser.

I send a GET request from the browser to http://localhost:50000/uri/ and my application receives it correctly. Then I send the response, with some data in a (HTTP_DATA_CHUNK) using the HttpSendHttpResponse, and I get 131 bytes sent. However, the browser is not receiving any data. I have also tested it with wininet client with the same result.

This is my send response code (Smalltalk):

sendResponse: aString
    | data response sent id return |
    data := HTTP_DATA_CHUNK external 
        DataChunkType: 0;
        pBuffer: aString copyToExternalMemory;
        BufferLength: aString size.
    response := HTTP_RESPONSE_V2 external.
        StatusCode: HTTP_STATUS_OK;
        reason: 'Ok';
        ContentType: 'text/html';
        EntityChunkCount: 1;
        dataChunk: data.
    sent := ExternalLong external.
    return := HttpServerDLL current
        HttpSendHttpResponse: handle
        RequestId: request id
        Flags: 0
        pHttpResponse: response asParameter
        pCachePolicy: 0
        pBytesSent: sent asParameter
        pReserved2: 0
        Reserved3: 0
        pOverlapped: 0
        pLogData: 0.
    return = 0 ifFalse: [^self osError: return].
    ^sent asInteger 

Any idea about why if the HttpSendHttpResponse function success and indicates that n bytes has been sent, the client doesn't receive the data?

Thanks, Sebastian


  • I have figured out the problem. I had an error in the alignment of HTTP_DATA_CHUNK structure since some fields are 8 bytes aligned so, the data pointer was in a bad offset. With this fixed, I have tried again with just the HttpSendHttpResponse without success, and then using both, HttpSendHttpResponse for the headers and HttpSendHttpResponseEntityBody for the data, and it works! Maybe the MSDN sample is outdated. There, the data is sent with the response in a single call to HttpSendHttpResponse.

    Thank you very much, Sebastian