I'm getting the error "Could not allocate a resource" when I try to run on any of my devices. I've seen this as a possible fix:
sudo rm -rf /var/db/lockdown/
I've tried that and restarted my machine a handful of times, but no luck. I also tried changing USB ports. I've reinstalled Xcode as well after uninstalling with AppCleaner.
In addition to the error, whenever I connect a device it asks me "Trust This Computer?"
This is occurring on an iPhone 5 and iPhone 6+ with lightning, as well as an iPad 3 with the old style connector.
[Updates] I've now also reinstalled iTunes to no effect. Also reset PRAM and SMC.
After you delete that folder, you need to recreate again and make proper permissions, because iTunes need rw rights to that folder:
sudo mkdir /var/db/lockdown
sudo chmod go+w /var/db/lockdown
without having iTunes open. Then everything should be fine. Also keep in mind the same operation may be required for /private/var/db/lockdown [a mirror]
If you moved and old Mac to a new one, make sure /var/db/lockdown/SystemConfiguration.plist contains your mac actual UUID . Generally it is not recommended to delete a system folder, anyway, without really knowing what you do. ;) Actually I replicated your problem moving /var/db/lockdown to another location, starting iTunes, getting error. Then recreate etc.