I have an application that implements authorization as described here: http://michael.merickel.org/projects/pyramid_auth_demo/
In the examples the users are kept in a global variable called USERS = {} that I have in a module called config.py
USERS = {}
The problem is that I have a registration view that adds new users to USERS with this code:
config.USERS["newUser"] = User("newUser")
but as WSGI server handles the requests config.USERS in some cases does not contain the newly added user by the registration process.
How should I keep the list of users so is updated by the registration process and accessed in an updated way by all other requests?
If you really need to keep Users list in memory you should write function updating this list and call it when new User is registered.
If I were you I would rather create global function getting Users from database and cache it for some time using for example Beaker Cache and when new User is added I would invalidate this cache region. To get more details please refer to the Beaker Cache manual.