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Removing nested subscribeNext in reactive pipeline

I am trying to construct a reactive pipeline where a change in some input signals will trigger off an asynchronous web api request. But I do not need to perform anything in the subscribeNext block of the web api.

This is how it looks:

RACSignal *inputChanged = [[RACSignal merge:@[ RACObserve(self, input1), RACObserve(self, input2) ]] throttle:0.5];

  subscribeNext:^(id x) {
      [[self asyncWebAPI]
       subscribeNext:^(id x) {

This works. But it isn't elegant because of the nested subscribeNext: and the second subscribeNext is just to make the asyncWebAPI a hot signal.

Is there a better way to construct this pipeline?


  • Check out -flattenMap:. For example:

        flattenMap:^(id _) {
            return [self asyncWebAPI];
        subscribeNext:^(id x) {
            // Do stuff