Here is my attempted code.
levelplot(mpg ~ wt * hp|gear, data = mtcars,labels=FALSE ,scales=list(relation="free"))
The result is this plot.
I wish to know how to (1) add local z colorbar for each levelplots and (2) how to make each levelplot's title shows as gear 4, gear 3 and gear 5 instead of just "gear". The desired result is something like this following figure (the colorbar is here is cut-and-paste so it isn't local range like it should be). I have checked help and look up online but couldn't find a solution yet.
Because mtcars$gear
is of class "numeric"
, you plot is using the "shingled" strip style associated with numeric conditioning variables. It sounds like you'd rather gear number be treated as a categorical variable, so you should convert it to a "factor"
before conditioning on it.
Here's what I would do:
gearFac <- factor(mtcars$gear, levels=3:5, labels=paste0("gear", 3:5))
levelplot(mpg ~ wt * hp|gearFac, data = mtcars,
labels = FALSE, scales = list(relation="free"))