I decided to try scala out with play2. I am trying to somehow get a config section out of application config. It looks like this (by section I mean whole mail part)
services: {
rest: {
mail: {
uri: "xyz",
authorization: {
username: "xyz",
password: "xyz"
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigObject
import play.api.Play.current
val config: Option[ConfigObject] = current.configuration.getObject("services.rest.mail")
This gives Some(SimpleConfigObject())
and trough there the only way I am able to actually get mail
section and use it as a ConfigObject
is trough
Or I can get the actual value with
Or for fun:
Either way it seems to me I am doing it overly complicated. Is there some easier way to get a section from config?
I will post this as an answer for future reference.
After another while of playing with the code I have found parseResourcesAnySyntax
method which does exactly what I want and since I have my config split into multiple parts for separate environments (application.dev.conf, etc.) I can simply do
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import play.api.Play._
val config: Config = ConfigFactory.parseResourcesAnySyntax("application.%s.conf" format current.mode)
and then use
// or
// or if I want to use part of it as another section
val section: Config = config.getConfig("authorization")
Of course, another viable alternative is using a wrapper as mister Stebel recommended.