I need to join another model (GeoNameAlternateName) and tried it according to the doc. But for some reason I get the following error:
ArgumentError: Unknown field option :prefix provided for field :name
My GeoNameCityModel is searchable like this:
searchable do
text :name
string :feature_class
string :feature_code
latlon(:lonlat) { Sunspot::Util::Coordinates.new(lat, lon) }
join(:name, :prefix => "alternate", :target => GeoNameAlternateName, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :geonames_id, :to => :geonames_id })
Both models have a field column? Does this maybe interfere?
I am running on mac osx, rails 4.1.8, ruby-2.1.1/gems/sunspot_solr-2.1.1/solr solr-spec solr-impl 4.2.0 1453694 - rmuir - 2013-03-06 22:32:13 lucene-spec 4.2.0 lucene-impl 4.2.0 1453694 - rmuir - 2013-03-06 22:25:29
I got it running. First of all I had to use the latest version from the git repo
gem 'sunspot_rails' , :git => 'https://github.com/sunspot/sunspot.git'
gem 'sunspot_solr', :git => 'https://github.com/sunspot/sunspot.git' # optional pre-packaged Solr distribution for use in development
then in the model:
join(:alternate_name, :target => GeoNameAlternateName, :type => :text, :join => { :from => :geonames_id, :to => :geonames_id })
in the join model GeoNameAlternateName
searchable do
integer :geonames_id
text :alternate_name