I've tried to design a small (3 rooms) "adventure-like" mini-game, and when i run it i get:
if answer == "restaurant":
IndentationError: unindent does not match any outer indentation level
# TRUMANIA v. 0.0.2
def Square():
print "You exit from there, and you appear in Central Square. Do you want to walk to the Library or to the Restaurant?"
answer = raw_input("Type 'Restaurant' or 'Library' and hit 'Enter'.").lower()
if answer == "restaurant":
elif answer == "library":
print "You didn't pick Restaurant or Library! You can't just stand there like a rock; you need to make a decision!"
def Trumania():
print "You've just entered Trumania!"
print "Do you want to go to the Restaurant or visit the Library?"
answer = raw_input("Type 'Restaurant' or 'Library' and hit 'Enter'.").lower()
if answer == "restaurant":
elif answer == "library":
print "You didn't pick Restaurant or Library! You can't just stand in the entrance like a scarecrow; you need to make a decision!"
def Restaurant():
print "You've just entered the Restaurant!"
print "Do you want to eat Inside or Outside?"
answer = raw_input("Type 'Inside' or 'Outside' and hit 'Enter'.").lower()
if answer == "inside":
print "You need to bribe the waiter, but you get a cozy table and have a wonderful meal!"
elif answer == "outside":
print "You get a cheap (and cold) table in the outside and manage to eat some apetizers"
print "You didn't selected Inside or Outside. The Waiter euh... Waits... "
def Library():
print "You arrive at the Library!"
print "Do you want to get some books or you prefer to study?"
answer = raw_input("Type 'Books' or 'Study' and hit 'Enter'.").lower()
if answer == "books":
print "You get some books that you can sell later. However, thats bad karma!"
elif answer == "study":
print "You learn a lot!However, you feel tired after so much effort"
print "You didn't pick Books or Study! Try again."
The idea is to start in Trumannia, then be able to choose Restaurant or Library, and then exit to Square and be able to choose again Restaurant or Library. So I'm not sure a) how to fix the error and b) how to format the different variables so the program can "load" all the info first and then "go" to each place when needed. I hope i explained myself. Thanks again!
Your code is broken because there is no colon after def Square()