I currently have two Vertex classes, VersionSet
and Version
, with one non-lightweight Edge class, VersionSetToVersion
. The VersionSetToVersion edge class also has a property called status
which can have the value 'latest'.
If I have some @rid of a VersionSet vertex (i.e. #14:1
), how would I construct an orient-db style SQL query to retrieve only the Version vertex that has a VersionSetToVersion EDGE with a status of 'latest'?
Here's a query that will return all Versions related to the VersionSet with @rid #14:1 regardless of the status property
SELECT out('VersionSetToVersion') FROM #14:1
This returns two VersionSet objects: #15:1, and #15:2, but only the edge to #15:2 has the status of 'latest'.
How can I refine this query by the status property on the EDGE so only #15:2 is returned in the results?
Try this:
SELECT outE('VersionSetToVersion')[status = 'latest'].inV() FROM #14:1