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a property without vendor prefix followed by vendor prefixed properties in CSS3

According to one of the answer for "Why do browsers create vendor prefixes for CSS properties?", one of the reason why vendor prefix is needed is to avoid breaking page even if the final specification of a property is different from the implementation(interpretation) of a vendor.

I read a book which says it is generally a good practice to put property without vendor prefix after vendor prefixed property declarations, as shown below:

p {
    -webkit-hyphens: auto;
    -moz-hyphens: auto;
    -ms-hyphens: auto;
    -o-hyphens: auto;
    hyphens: auto;

Let's say that finalized specification of hyphens is different from the interpretation of vendors. If somebody developed a webpage which depends on some vendor prefixed implementations, won't the page's design break because, as I have assumed, "hyphens" specification is different from the vendors'? If the interpretations are the same as the finalized specification, I think the code above is fine. Why is the code above generally a good practice?


  • The code snippet you provided is considered a good practice because it is (hopefully) forward and backward compatible...

    Basically with a non-standard implementation each browser may implement the property a little differently hence the prefixes. If all goes well, eventually the different browsers will standardize the property and will (hopefully) render it the same way.

    The prefixed versions will work for the time being and (hopefully) by the time the browsers standardize the property and remove the prefix the non-prefixed version will work.

    I know the seeing "hopefully" above isn't that encouraging, if you want your CSS to be bullet proof, don't use the new properties until they're standardized or design your stuff to degrade gracefully.

    Some css3 properties, like border-radius, are somewhat standardized and will render properly without the prefix, but not every internet user keeps their browser up to date, so it may be a good idea to continue to use the prefix for a while.

    On the other hand there are some properties that Firefox will render without a prefix that Chrome will not, like animation and @keyframes. In this case using the prefixed version followed by the non-prefixed version makes perfect sense.

    .myClass {
      position: relative;
      -webkit-animation: myAnimation 3s; /* Chrome will use this */
      animation: myAnimation 3s; /*Firefox will ignore the -webkit- property and use this */
    @-webkit-keyframes myAnimation { /* Chrome will use this */
      from {
        background: red;
        top: 10px;
      to {
        background: blue;
        top: 100px;
    @keyframes myAnimation { /*Firefox will ignore the -webkit- property and use this */
      from {
        background: red;
        top: 10px;
      to {
        background: blue;
        top: 100px;
    <div class="myClass">Hello World</div>

    Try the above snippet in both Firefox and Chrome to see what I'm talking about.