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Automated httr authentication with twitteR , provide response to interactive prompt in "batch" mode

I am using the R package twitteR to post items to Twitter. I put everything inside of a function and it works fine. However, I would like to run the function without being prompted for a response, and I haven't figured out how to do that. Any suggestions?

Here are the bare bones of my function:

doit <- function(<snip>) {
    # connect to Twitter
    setup_twitter_oauth(api_key, api_secret, access_token, access_token_secret)

When I run the function from the command line, I am prompted for an interactive response.

[1] "Using direct authentication"
Use a local file to cache OAuth access credentials between R sessions?
1: Yes
2: No


I can provide this information directly in a script when the setup_twitter_oauth() function is outside of a function, by entering my response in the following line, much like can be done for other user input functions like readline() or scan().

setup_twitter_oauth(api_key, api_secret, access_token, access_token_secret)

However, I haven't been able to get this approach to work when setup_twitter_oauth() is INSIDE of a function.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get this to run without requiring user input.


The answer from @NicE below did the trick. I incorporated the options setting in my function as:

doit <- function(<snip>) {
    # connect to Twitter
    origop <- options("httr_oauth_cache")
    setup_twitter_oauth(api_key, api_secret, access_token, access_token_secret)


  • You can try setting the httr_oauth_cache option to TRUE:


    The twitteR package uses the httr package, on the Token manual page for that package they give tips about caching:

    OAuth tokens are cached on disk in a file called .httr-oauth 
    saved in the current working directory. Caching is enabled if:
    The session is interactive, and the user agrees to it, OR
    The .httr-oauth file is already present, OR
    getOption("httr_oauth_cache") is TRUE
    You can suppress caching by setting the httr_oauth_cache option to FALSE.