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How to update a conditional formula?

let me jump right into the example. Consider the following equation:

 frml <- formula(y ~ a + b | x + z )

Such a formula specification is used e.g. with AER::ivreg.

I would like to update this formula so that it reads

 frml2 <- y ~ a + b + c | x + z + w

However, I am not sure how to update the parts before and after the conditional sign | separately. For instance,

 frml2 <- update.formula(frml, . ~ . + c | . + w)


 y ~ ((a + b | x + z) + c | (a + b | x + z) + w)

which is not quite what I want. The problem is that . refers to the entire formula on the right (or left) side, including the conditional. Does anyone have an idea how I can update the formula accordingly?

One way seems to be to convert the formula into a character vector, split the vector at |, add whatever I want to add, and put the formula back together. While this is easy, somehow I feel that there must be an easier way to do so. I surely am not the first person to deal with this kind of issue. Any advice / hint / comment would be greatly appreciated!


  • Can't tell for sure from your question if you cannot use a package, because the Formula package has a function just for this. It classes its objects as both formula and Formula:

    > library(Formula)
    > frml <- Formula(y ~ a + b | x + z )
    > update(frml, . ~ . + c | . + w)
    y ~ a + b + c | x + z + w
    > class(frml)
    [1] "Formula" "formula"