For hybrid cordova Windows Phone application this.CordovaView.Browser.LoadCompleted += Browser_LoadCompleted;
code is used. Can anybody explain this in detail?
LoadCompleted event is an event, which is fired when the Browser control is loaded in the view.
this.CordovaView.Browser.LoadCompleted += Browser_LoadCompleted
Here, you are attaching a listener to LoadCompleted event, so whenever the browser control will be loaded in view, the event LoadCompleted will get fired, which will eventually call your method Browser_LoadCompleted.
Apart from this event, whenever you try to navigate a url, the default webBrowser control will fire following event.
webBrowserControl.Navigated += WebPageLoaded;
webBrowserControl.NavigationFailed += WebPageLoadFailed;
webBrowserControl.Navigating += WhileNavigating;
Navigating event is fired when the browser starts navigation and depending upon whether the navigation was a success or not, either navigated or NavigationFailed event will be fired.