In Matlab when I do
syms x d
I get
1/s - exp(-4*s)/s
But if I do
I get
1/s - laplace(heaviside(x - d), x, s)
Is there a way to force the last laplace to evaluate?
Often if you want answers out of general symbolic expressions you need to apply assumptions
. Using assume
to specify that your parameter d
is non-negative (a delayed step):
syms x d
ans =
1/s - exp(-d*s)/s
For arbitrary real values of d
the result of your Laplace transform is a piecewise function (if you assume
that d
is negative then you'll obtain a different solution). It looks like the laplace
function has not been designed to handle these cases via MuPAD's piecewise
(except to return the original call). You might file a request for enhancement with The MathWorks to enquire about adding this functionality.