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touchesBegan on a node to delete it

per exemple, I have a SKSpriteNode generated in a function named "generateNode" every seconds, and I want to call it in the touchesBegin function to detect when the user touch it, and if the user touch it, the node is deleted.

I tried to call the node in this function, but it is impossible, Xcode doesn't detect it in this function.

How to do that ?

Thanks you.


  • You can remove a particular node in the following way.

    First set the property at the place where you add it.

    func generateNode() {
        // your node creation code = "generatedNode"
        //add your node.

    Then in touchesBegan, you can remove the touched node if the name of the node is the name you set.

    override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {
        let touch = touches.anyObject() as UITouch?
        if let location = touch?.locationInNode(self)
            for node in self.nodesAtPoint(location)
                if == "generatedNode"